January 15, 2011


The perfect baby shower gift!
(3 burp clothes, 2 pacifier clips, 1 tie onesie)

After a little splurge on fabric, I've got myself lots of things to work on. I spent a few evenings ironing out wrinkles, cutting to proper sizes, and am finally getting to the sewing part. It actually makes it all much easier to conquer when making a lot. I really like all the fabric I've picked out locally, but next time I may order some online for more options. I've also worked on some "pee pee tee pees" or "caution cones" for preventing getting showered on when changing your baby boys and have a co-worker testing them for size (I made 2 different sizes) and absorbency.

Vowing to myself to be more prepared for the next craft show and to really set up my Etsy shop with items. I've got a list of things that I think are sellable. Need to make myself a schedule to make sure I don't forget anything.

Also in the process of knitting some hats and making mittens as special orders. Also have a fun Valentines present made up to share later!

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