I'm gonna get right to it . . .
- the Game of Things: A very fun game that we played on New Year's Eve. The group got to be so big that we had to eventually play as couples. The "reader" draws a topic, such as "things you shouldn't teach a pet to do" and everyone writes an answer on a piece of paper. The reader reads the responses aloud and people take turns guessing who answered what. Once your answer has been matched correctly with you, you're not allowed to guess anymore. The last person standing to figure it all out gets points. Do what you'd like with the points, we turned it into a drinking game and the winner each round got to select #-of-their-correct-guesses people to drink more of whatever they're drinking. It turned a little adult, especially with prompts like "things a gentleman shouldn't do". Play it and have lots of fun.
- Reading: I just finished Blame, by Michelle Huneven. It's about a woman who wakes up to being arrested after a black out while driving and killing 2 people. I enjoyed the first part of the book better than the ending, but there's some great developments at the end of the book that make you think. About to start Change of Heart, by Jodi Picoult.
- Random But Very Cool: Round Robin Press . . . they make plant-able greeting cards. Came across this while reading another blog. Looked them up and they are sold here in Bozeman at Perspectives. Will check them out on my next shopping trip downtown.
- New Restaurant: Audrey's Pizza Oven . . . going there tonight. Will let you know how it is. Was an old pizza joint here years ago and when the previous owner closed up she sold her recipes to this guy. He had an accident before getting things reopened and after who knows what it took to get back to getting things going, he's completed his dream. I hope it's yummy.
- Relax: Right now my favorite products are from Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy line. Lavender Chamomile. I've had the shower gel and sugar scrub for awhile. I got some lotion for Christmas. I then was so excited to have so much of it that I went to the after Christmas sales and got room spray and home fragrance oil. It's the best. There's lots of things that I think smell too strong, but this is really the best. And even better is that I got a new bathrobe too. I hate that it's so cold out, but I love taking a long, hot shower and being very girly with all the stuff I use, then getting all wrapped up and cozy, getting into bed with a good book and SleepyTime Tea. The best.
"Stare. It is way to educate your eyes and more. Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." - Walker Evans