November 24, 2010


I had a mom at preschool pass along the name of a fun little boutique there that she thought would be interested in selling my things. I met with owner and showed her a couple samples of things and she excited to carry my stuff! YAY!

So now I'm sewing, sewing, sewing to get some stuff made and in there for the weekend shoppers. Right now working on burp clothes.

Various things we discussed her taking:
Baby stuff -- burp clothes, bibs, peepee teepees, mini take along blankets ... she already has some organic onesies from another woman ... and diaper wipe case covers

Hair Accessories -- knit hats, bobby pins in all various sizes and sets

Bags -- totes with the scarf handles (she carries a ton of scarves in her store, so hopefully people will wanna mix and match!), little handbags ... hoping along the road when I master zippers a little better some cute makeup bags and once I get my act together to find clutch frames, some clutches ... also some checkbook covers: )

Hoping for a quiet few days to get stuff done!
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