The little girl that I watch is very into dresses and will be turning 5 tomorrow, so it was perfect for her birthday! I bought 3/4 yd (really only needed 21 inches). The top was already finished with the scrunching and hem, so I sewed up the back and then hemmed the bottom. After that I added some red ribbon to tie over her shoulders just in case it were to slip down. Just for some more fun, made a little purse too.
If you ever choose to make a dress that's already a little bit finished like this and need to cut it, start cutting the scrunched side and then after cutting through that you need to rip the rest of the fabric apart. It sounds crazy, but doing this makes sure that it's all along the same thread line and keeps the "skirt" the same proportion all around.
The same JoAnn's trip resulted in lots of other great fabric that I have a few plans for. Keep checking back!