April 7, 2011


First the apartment, then the van, then my craft supplies, even the cupboard beneath the kitchen sink is not safe from reorganization. So it was only a matter of time before the {scd} site got it.

I've been making a lot of things lately, for the Rainy Day Bazaar in Sitka, AK, for coworkers or families I sit for. Or people see things like my own bag or hair clips. And everyone always asks if I have a website that they can share with their friends. I was embarrassed before, because I didn't think the pictures were that great that I'd taken or that I didn't have enough to show. And the time that it took to do the site on my own how I really wanted it done was beyond my own skills.

When it comes to website and html I think I've been decent enough about navigating my way through what I'm trying to accomplish, but it was time for a new idea and some help. After a few "free template" searches that come up with mostly blog layouts I found Wix.com -- such a fun and easy site to use. I even found a template that offered an online store. So last night I spent awhile playing around and created my new look. And at the end found out to use the ecommerce option you do have to pay. But it was easy to take out since I'm not prepared to pay monthly fees for my own online store front yet. I'll just need to kick it in gear and list some things on Etsy.

So, here is it! A more professional {scd} online that I am very proud for anyone to see -- it doesn't have everything I've done so it may be more of a portfolio kind of site, but it is so much better!

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