There's so much to do in the next 3 months ... this month ... this week.... today ... and I am taking a little break to catch up on some blogs I like to check in on and with my latest favorite thing - pinterest ; )

I was mildly productive today. Yesterday Chad got his new drivers license and I figured since I don't have plans this morning today I would go get mine. Except the lady told me that I had to register my vehicle at the same time, but first you have to take it to pass an inspection test and blah blah blah. So I found somewhere to take it and sat there for an hour while they checked it all out and replaced my back brake light that was out.
By the time I got home to retrieve all the other info I need to bring in to get set up here I didn't want to drive back to the DMV where there were already about 50 people waiting when the first opened. Will be super prepared tomorrow I suppose.
I've got a couple different to do lists going. One of course for the wedding. And since I made it I've started having nightmares about something not being done (bridesmaid not making it to town, flowers not ordered, no one ready and the wedding is about to start). It's mostly just smaller details now, we've got to come up with some fun favors, print some engagement photos, plan the rehearsal, etc. I can't believe it's just over 2 months away.
A friend of mine here is getting married in 2 weeks. This weekend is her bachelorette party. We're gonna spend some time at a lake house and I'm way excited to get some sun! We went and bought new swimsuits earlier this week. I'm ready for a Texas tan : )
Chad is finishing up his review in class and will be employed again June 13th! His birthday is the weekend before so I'm sure we'll be doing something to celebrate.
We've been doing a little house hunting, although we need to come up with a timeline for when we think we can go approach a bank about a home loan. There are some beautiful places here that are going to make the decision hard. I am ready to get out of the tiny apartment, but it's not super practical to move somewhere else for another 6 months if we'll be packing it up to move into our first house (fingers crossed!). It's a lot of fun to look though and we'll have a good idea of all the things we need/want when the time comes.
So, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my quiet morning (the apartment is a disaster, but that's getting ignored today too) before work and will start running around again tomorrow!