January 30, 2011


I've been doing some babysitting and it's always so funny to hear what kids have to say. Over the weekend I spent some time with a little girl in elementary school. We had an awesome time playing Just Dance on the Wii and took turns choosing the songs. Wanna Be by the Spice Girls was an option and I picked that one. Her response was "Who are the Spice Girls?" .... wow, I felt old. I remember listening to them in 6th grade on the bleachers by the school track at lunch time recess.

I also watched an almost 4 year old and during a cartoon she was watching a pajama jeans commercial came on. She asked what they were and I explained the best I could, they're pajama pants that look like jeans so you can be comfortable. She asked "but why do they call them pajama jeans?" and I asked her what she thought they should be called. She decided "just pajamas" and still seemed just as unsettled by what she saw as I was the first time I saw the commercial.

January 28, 2011


I've spent the last little while on the sewing machine working on onesies to have ready for either a bazaar or to set up my Etsy shop. There are about 40 done in sizes ranging from 3/6 months - 24 months with these designs. For close up pictures, visit SCD on Facebook.

January 26, 2011


Social Realists are popular persons full of energy. They are reliable, well organized and helpful. Traditional values are important to them. Founding a family also plays a central role in their life. Social Realists have a marked social streak. They are always ready to listen to the worries and problems of others and spare no effort when they are asked for help. With empathy and understanding, they can sense what other people need. Social Realists are always willing to highly regard the strong points of the other person and to excuse that person’s weaknesses. They are the most sociable of all personality types. Social contacts are very important to them.

Social Realists find it very difficult to cope with conflicts and criticism - harmony is their elixir of life. Acknowledgment and esteem are very important to this type. Differentiation on the other hand is not necessarily one of their strong points. At work and in partnerships, they are loyal, committed and always there when needed. They find it easy to make friends due to their open, warm manner and they have a large circle of friends. In love, they are faithful and attentive and care for their partners with a great deal of imagination and sensitivity. Social Realists show their feelings openly and honestly. Should a relationship break up, they tend to blame themselves. That is why they find it very difficult to end a partnership even if it has not fulfilled their requirements for some time.

Social Realists are more conservative types. They have a set system of values and rules which is orientated to the prevailing traditions. They prefer clear, structured surroundings and work processes; they find too much change and unrest unpleasant. Their strong points are carefulness and reliability and not so much flexibility and spontaneity. Social Realists are open-minded towards anything new only to a limited extent. But, should one be looking for someone to fulfill a task reliably and exactly, they are the right persons.

Adjectives which describe your type: extroverted, practical, sentimental, planning, emotional, temperamental, energetic, tradition-conscious, loyal, helpful, devoted, reliable, caring, objective, thorough, organised, warm-hearted, open, friendly, sociable, chummy, obliging, self-sacrificing, public-spirited, sensitive, kind, demanding

Who Are You?? Find out at iPersonic

**Thanks to Alicia for sharing her personality type and what test she used!

January 24, 2011


Remember those awesome little beads you used to make the best little fridge magnets ever?! Maybe you just threw them onto the peg boards and didn't care ... or you (like myself) were super meticulous about creating the perfect pattern. They're called Perler Beads, and they are still super awesome.

It was quite awhile ago that I saw this idea on another blog. I'd really like to give the credit, so if you've ever stumbled across it anywhere, please let me know. They used Perler Beads to make earrings. Take 1 jumbo container of beads, a couple peg boards and some earring hooks and tada - fun earrings!

I made these with my friend Angie on some crafty afternoon. Still very particular about keeping things in some kind of pattern : )

January 23, 2011


Or weekend dreaming perhaps....

We went over to Keller today to use our TGI Friday's gift card that I got from MyPoints (which you should totally sign up for! so easy!). There is a ton of stuff over there I was so happy to find -- Michael's, World Market, Pier 1 -- that's a lot closer than the other few I've found.

On our way home we had some time and drove through a few subdivisions. I am in love with this house. This picture doesn't even do it justice, it's pretty much perfect. Someday something like this will be ours ...

January 22, 2011


I washed and then had this laundry pile on the bed with intentions to put it all away. It didn't happen and they've been on the floor for the last week. Finally got the energy to tackle it and make some sense of the closet - much better! (Except now the hamper is full of dirty clothes again from past week)

January 19, 2011


A little Etsy inspiration for my wedding hair piece. I have started collecting little things (buttons, different clips, netting, etc) to start playing around with. Thinking about doing smaller ones for the wedding party, like the little purple and blue ones (but in yellow or a gray). We'll see how it all comes together!

January 17, 2011


Went window shopping at the mall over the weekend to get out of the tiny apartment and the Charlotte Russe there was closing down. The whole store was EMPTY except that they had racks of jeans for $10!! So happy that I found my size in a style I liked and even in a short length : ) Debated buying a second pair, but hoping to hit our gym now that things have quieted down a little with my crazy work schedule and be needed a new size sooner than later.

January 15, 2011


The perfect baby shower gift!
(3 burp clothes, 2 pacifier clips, 1 tie onesie)

After a little splurge on fabric, I've got myself lots of things to work on. I spent a few evenings ironing out wrinkles, cutting to proper sizes, and am finally getting to the sewing part. It actually makes it all much easier to conquer when making a lot. I really like all the fabric I've picked out locally, but next time I may order some online for more options. I've also worked on some "pee pee tee pees" or "caution cones" for preventing getting showered on when changing your baby boys and have a co-worker testing them for size (I made 2 different sizes) and absorbency.

Vowing to myself to be more prepared for the next craft show and to really set up my Etsy shop with items. I've got a list of things that I think are sellable. Need to make myself a schedule to make sure I don't forget anything.

Also in the process of knitting some hats and making mittens as special orders. Also have a fun Valentines present made up to share later!

January 13, 2011


I'm back! At least I think I am ... I sat down earlier today to try post something and felt a little unfocused. And right now I should be crawling into bed, but I'm only "downstairs tired" (which comes from when we lived in a 2 story place where our room was upstairs. I frequently would be sleepy laying on the couch and drag Chad to bed with me, only to end up wide awake talking Chad's ear off while he out in no time. "upstairs tired" is when I'm tired enough to actually fall asleep once I hit the sheets.)

So I'm downstairs tired and tired of the tv. I'm thinking about the 7 month wedding reminder from The Knot that showed up in my email today and that I need to re-engage myself in planning. I thought I'd catch up on some wedding blogs, but first went through a few others that I like to visit.

I came across "12 on the 12th". From the few I saw I suppose the goal is to take 12 photos of your day each month on the 12th and share. Today is the 13, so this is a day late. And also with made up pictures because it's been awhile since I've taken any. Will get back on track with wedding planning later.

1 - This is Joel Dewberry fabric, which I've yet to get my hands on. Got quite a bit of fabric at JoAnns and Hobby Lobby in recent visits.

2 - I made brownies the other night but haven't eaten any yet. I think all I really wanted was some brownie batter!

3 - My brother will be done with his graduate program this spring. Hope to go to his graduation.

4 - Grey's makes my Thursday nights. It's my "almost the weekend, just get through tomorrow" fix for weeks that just seem long.

5 - I need my chips!! Chad is a chip maniac and I haven't been able to find my favorites since being in TX. Got a suggestion from work on where to find them. I now have a mission for the weekend ...

6 - Our wedding reception will be at the Baxter. At least this much is planned! There's actually more than that planned, so we're not procrastinating too much.

7 - Starting to admit that I miss the snowy Montana mountains. It's not right for TX to be so cold right now and now have anything wintery to look at!

8 - I'm ready for vacation from my vacation. What I mean is that even though we've lived here for almost 4 months now it doesn't always feel like it, and that it's somehow just a vacation, that I'm on hold and time is just passing until we get some railroad news or for the wedding.

9 - We watch a lot of House Hunters and each one makes this apartment feel smaller and smaller. I'm ready for some space!

10 - Excited to see this movie!

11 - I would do just about anything for a day at the spa. One negative thing about working with kids is how it kills my body!

12 - Again ... living in limbo. I go back and forth between being okay and needing answers for what the next year has planned.
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