July 13, 2009


This is something I've been meaning to post on for awhile. My boyfriend is a great gift giver. He always remembers things I've mentioned wanting and also loves coming up with something that I would have no clue where to start with guessing. As we were on vacation for Christmas, he saw this idea and thought it was great -- it's personal, inexpensive (made for his family and mine), and easy to bring along. I can't find the pictures that he actual took on the computer, but these are from the site alphabetphotography.com -- there are many similar sites out there.

You find things out in the world and if they resemble a letter, take a picture. I forget how, but I actual found out about the gift before I received it. He was going to ditch me because it was a nice day and he needed to get out to get some pictures. I asked if there was anything I could help with and since he was doing this as a gift for many people, I got to go along and help search for letters. It was a lot of fun and you get to exercise being creative and seeing things a little different. The playground was a great spot, as well as many old historic buildings. Great idea for a child or newlyweds!

July 11, 2009


I saw this on the Today Show awhile ago when Martha was on. Found the recipe on her website (photo of her cake as well, I forgot to take one of mine). Decided that it would be perfect to make for a summer bbq celebrating birthdays of a few family members. Went with making the lemon version. Very easy to make, but had some trouble with the frosting. Cake was so yummy and moist, but the whipped frosting evaporated (best way to explain it) . . . after it sat for awhile it looked like I'd frosted the cake in foam! Still good to eat though.
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